Contact our Office for references of a well trained counselor in your area.
A broad scope of counselling services is available trough the existing franchises for the private individual. We assist people to heal, adjust or grow in the context of their situation. Every person is considered unique and a holistic approach is maintained in all cases. We focus on the cognitive and emotional needs and potential of every client. Helios counsellors have found great value in the IMAGO model of relationship counselling and integrated with their experience in his field are very effective.
HELIOS also avails itself to other organization where there is a need for training and development in the area of counselling.This includes: Involvement at churches and religious institutions - Training for lay counsellors in churches - Developing a workable structure for counselling needs - Support in leadership developmentInvolvement in schools and other educational institutions - Drugs, sexual abuse and AIDS awareness programs - Support to emotionally distressed learners or learners will learning problems - Motivation in concepts of self-worth.Building of relationship networks for support purposes